Jim Scott, belovedly known to Cincinnatians as Good Ol' Jim Scott, has passed on after a tough battle with ALS, or better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. His wife, Donna, made the announcement on Jim's facebook page: "Last night, our sweet Jim crossed over and is in the loving, welcoming embrace of his mom and dad, mine, his sister and so many friends."
Jim, our 2024 Honorary Grand Marshal, retired as the WLW-AM morning host in 2015 after 46 years on the radio. He first started in radio in 1968 as morning show host for the pop radio station 1360 WSAI-AM. He later joined 700 WLW during the morning time slot from 5 am to 9 am in 1984. In 2002, he was named the winner of the prestigious Marconi Award for Radio Personality of the Year, and later in 2013, The Cincinnati Enquirer named Jim the No. 1 radio personality of the past 40 years.
Jim has been a true asset to the parade for 56 years. Walking many times the full route of the parade, he always smiled and waved to everyone (Jim is seen during the 2015 parade with his wife, Donna, in the photo to the right). In the Spring of 2022, Jim was diagnosed with ALS. At the 2023 Redsfest, Donna was presented a jersey made for Jim to wear during the parade with the #24, representing 2024 as the year to be our Honory Grand Marshal. During the presentation, a recording of Jim was played on the large screen of the main stage and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Jim for his 81st Birthday. See here: Jim Scott announcement as Honorary Grand Marshal at Redsfest 2023
The photo at the top of the page was Jim in his final parade with his wife Donna and his son Casey. The parade route was filled with people cheering him on and wishing him well. This can be seen in WLWT's video coverage of Jim in the parade and our photos from the parade, note photos #14 to #16. Donna posted in Jim's facebook: "Jim was so fortunate to have the grandest celebration of life on March 28 when he was honorary grand marshal of the Findlay Market Parade. The outpouring of love for Jim that day ... it's beyond words and filled our hearts with such happiness. Thank you for loving Jim!
Jim Scott, belovedly known to Cincinnatians as Good Ol' Jim Scott, has passed on after a tough battle with ALS, or better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease. His wife, Donna, made the announcement on Jim's facebook page: "Last night, our sweet Jim crossed over and is in the loving, welcoming embrace of his mom and dad, mine, his sister and so many friends."
Jim has been a true asset to the parade for 56 years. Walking many times the full route of the parade, he always smiled and waved to everyone (Jim is seen during the 2015 parade with his wife, Donna, in the photo to the right). In the Spring of 2022, Jim was diagnosed with ALS. At the 2023 Redsfest, Donna was presented a jersey made for Jim to wear during the parade with the #24, representing 2024 as the year to be our Honory Grand Marshal. During the presentation, a recording of Jim was played on the large screen of the main stage and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Jim for his 81st Birthday. See here: Jim Scott announcement as Honorary Grand Marshal at Redsfest 2023
The photo at the top of the page was Jim in his final parade with his wife Donna and his son Casey. The parade route was filled with people cheering him on and wishing him well. This can be seen in WLWT's video coverage of Jim in the parade and our photos from the parade, note photos #14 to #16. Donna posted in Jim's facebook: "Jim was so fortunate to have the grandest celebration of life on March 28 when he was honorary grand marshal of the Findlay Market Parade. The outpouring of love for Jim that day ... it's beyond words and filled our hearts with such happiness. Thank you for loving Jim!
Jim will be missed.